Monday, August 15, 2011

Slow Motion Fireworks

On the Fourth of July this year, after picking Corrie up from the airport, we walked down the street to find a place to stand and watch the fireworks being launched off the Queen Mary. Since we're so close, we didn't have to walk too far to see the large crowds, and because of the crowds, we could only find some leaning space. But since we didn't need to drive, and park, then join the crowds, it was totally fine with us.

After the show, on the walk back to our place, we passed this particular palm variant:

Having just watched a fireworks show got me imaging this plant, how the stocks looked like the smoke trails and the green like the colorful explosions. I imagined a scenario where the full lifecycle of this palm, maybe twenty years, maybe eighty years, would be compressed and viewed in a time-frame of less than one second. Under those circumstances it would look like a firework had been launched.

Those fractaling patterns throughout nature (and the universe) may be a defining characteristic of the universe. The repeating patterns of the creamer swirls on coffee, how debris collects into rings around Saturn, how planets and debris collects into rings around the Sun, collecting similarly into galaxies.

It's made possible by relationships between matter that we call gravity and quantum mechanics. Patterns...sand gently sliding down a slope, avalanches, waterfalls...smoke in the air and dye in water...

It seems like there may just be patterns, scale differences, and governing relationships.

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