Monday, April 9, 2012

100th Day of 2012 and My Birthday

My birthday, April 9th, has the odd distinction of being the 99th day of the year under normal, non-leap years, and then, during leap years, the 100th day of the year.

My birthdays over the years have been interesting events...last year I started out on the drive from Texas to California. The year before, Corrie and I went to a UT/Kansas baseball game.

The year before that Corrie, Linda, Marc and I went to see a rock opera of Beowulf. It was great. The year before that I had a toothache and was switching jobs. Before that was my first birthday in New York, and before that we were finishing up the last details of our lives in San Luis Obispo.

The years skip along by at this point, a comment I made to my grandfather in our recent visit. He chuckled and agreed, and said Imagine how it is for me.


  1. Happy Birthday Brother!! Hope it was a relaxing and insightful day.

  2. It is so strange seeing you the adult man.. when it doesn't seem so long ago you were the kindergartner was asked to attend all day Kindergarten.... or the 5th grader watching the homework helpline teaching yourself algebra....
    Hope the day treated you well....
