Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Saturday

Today is a day of celebration across this land, a celebration of white land- and slave-owning men not wanting to pay taxes anymore. How do we, as Americans, celebrate this holiday? By blowing shit up, of course. For some reason that makes perfect sense.

I mentioned that a few times this morning while helping out at the market, usually in response to people saying "Happy Fourth", and got either raucous or nervous laughter. I guess leftist interpretations of history are fine when discussing Dubya, but bringing Independence Day into a cynical light seemed distasteful to some.

I'm not saying, of course, that skipping out on taxes was the sole purpose of the severance of the colonial way of life...but come on. Many people who purchase our dairy would have, had they not been staring at a glowing rectangle in an office or loft, marched with the millions against the invasion of Iraq. But linking our "Founding Fathers" and slavery, which is an accurate link, offends them. Whatever.

I apologize for being a lagger these past two weeks with entries...I'll be putting some pictures up of the Brooklyn Cyclones baseball game Corrie and I went to, along with the firework show afterward. The game was exciting, with a bases-loaded walk-off bash off the top of the wall. The last bastion of Brooklyn baseball, the Brooklyn Cyclones play out at Coney Island; behind right field is the beach, beyond center field is the world-famous wooden Cyclone rollercoaster (easily the best six-bucks in NYC)...the Cyclones are an affiliate of the Mets, play in the short-season level-A, whereas across the New York Bay the Staten Island Yankees are their main rivals, in the same league, a Yankee affiliate, and yesterday the Brooklyn fans booed like crazy when they merely mentioned the upcoming series against them (Corrie and I included).

I'll be paying more attention to this site next week for sure.

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