Monday, July 6, 2009

My One-Hundredth Post

I'm still figuring out how to make sure my posting font remains easy to view to older eyes. The first time I was able to get it large and serif-fonted was quite by accident. See, the font I write these in is different from how it previews (in the preview mode), and both are different to how it appears. So, accidently I learned that cutting and pasting twice yields the best look so far...cutting and pasting once gives us the last post, about Steve McNair, which is an okay font, but smaller than usual. 

In any case, I believe this is my 100th post. Woo-hoo. These few months of posting have made theses long days getting rejected by companies at least somewhat better. It compels me to write often, which has upsides and downsides. The upside is that by writing frequently I keep my brain ready for the overflow of fiction ideas to spill out onto paper--the act of creative creation otherwise waiting too long to occur. The downside being that this blog is all over the place, totally unfocused, and basically useless as a commercial device. It has politics (rarely), sports items, science items, recipes, and travelogues. Sometimes I insert a piece of biting observational truth, which has led to a few of my readers to compare me to Mark Twain...or a Twain type, anyway.

Speaking of wildly unfocussed entries, here is an existentialist post-about-the-nature-of-old-posts.

I have a list of ideas for the upcoming days, but that'll probably change with events from the outer world and other things.

I have a few scenes left I'm retooling for my first novel, the majority of which is done; I'm fleshing out some plans for another novel, focussing on small-towns, obsession, and a facsimile of SLO.

Thanks for keeping up with my brainal activity.

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