Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Something Minor: Picture 4000

I reached the 4000th picture with my camera last night, purposefully snapping away for 4 pictures of our apartment and the cat just to get to 4000. I can tell since my camera keeps a running tally, and each new picture is named sequentially from the start. In any case, I wanted to get a shot that meant something, like I did at Marc's fishing trip, forcing myself into the frame for picture 3000.

See, I'm off today to go north and help out in a dairy delivery capacity, helping out a friend for the next two days, and since we'll be off in the forests of Connecticut and Massachusetts, I'd like to bring my camera, and not blow the 4000th picture on an out-the-moving-window-of-a-truck blurry scene of bushes and trees.

Upon returning to the City, I'm meeting Corrie for the makeup Yankees/A's game, which will be her first game at the new Stadium.

Here's 4000...even got the ten-second timer involved...too bad Tux is trying to hide...


  1. What has TUX done to the chair.... ACK

  2. Tux has done all he can to fully destroy both chairs. This one is in worse shape. This chair was in our front room at Oceanaire, and has seen some hard days and times, for certain...we shoot Tux with a water squirter when we catch him in the act, but he obviously claws it when we're not around.
