Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

September 10th, though the year matters less.

Eight years ago I called, and we talked, and then the next day was a big day for me, for reasons different than those that changed the history of the world. The next day, back in 2001, after spending the morning watching the news, going to school at Cuesta (I picked up a Jack Handey book of silly proverbs--the ones from SNL--from a campus book sale and tried to lighten the mood of those close to me) and coming home, I got the letter from Cal Poly that I'd been re-admitted, this time as a transfer student rather than a freshman high-school grad.

In any case, Happy Birthday Mom! Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you..... it's been a busy day with lunch out with co workers and flowers so far it's a great day...
