Monday, September 28, 2009

"Who is this '80% of America' anyway?"

The line above sounds strange, and it should, grammatically at least.

Another line from the source material is "If my son falls off his bike and breaks his arm, he should have to pay for that...out of his allowance."

That's followed by this gem "How else is he going to learn not to fall of his bike?"

Backyard zoos with white tigers and pygmy dare us want to take that away from health insurance CEOs...

It'll make more sense once you see this video.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend Trish, you remember her from the Vet Clinic... it appears the clinc will be sold so the exisiting Doc can retire/moveon to other things the new guy isn't going to continue to cover his employees health insurance.... can someone tell me WHY THE FREAK health insurance has to be tied to your employer???
