Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rooftop Farm in Brooklyn

As the rooftop farmer explained to me, a "farm" by definition is a commercial enterprise; what he had was a farm, and not an elaborate rooftop garden. That, and the six-thousand square-feet might help.

This rooftop farm is in Greenpoint, the most northernly province--neighborhood--in Brooklyn, kinda like, in Brooklyn terms, Greenpoint is the Canada to Williamsburg's America, the last bastion of civilization before the arctic bleakness of Queens.

The views from on top are, to say the least, spectacular. If I was with you, my fair readers, I could show you the building where Corrie works, but it is too hard to describe it's whereabouts here.

The farm has tomatoes, eggplants, various squash, many peppers, basil, edible flowers, many herbs, and is gearing up for beans and peas. They also have lettuces, kale, and chard. In the previous picture, on the right side, are the heirloom cherry tomatoes, delicious brown beauties and ripe right now; and on the left side are a different strain of heirloom tomato, large acorn shapes, which will be ready in a week or two. The eggplant is ready and ripe, as is the parsley. The hops are almost there, and they're trying to find a purchaser...they're still talking with a few local breweries.

They supply a few restaurants as of right now, as well as stands at a few markets. They enjoy visitors, so if anybody will be in the City within a few weeks, I could arrange a tour.

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