Friday, September 4, 2009

Quite Possibly the Worst Haiku Written

I'm sure there's probably worse Haiku written than this...but maybe not...

I found a Haiku poem I wrote for a homework assignment during eighth grade in some old papers I still have with me, having lugged them--apparently--from Sac to SLO to Brooklyn...

I cracked up when I read it, at how lame such an effort was, but it was the second to last Haiku in the assignment, and the last one is at least, I don't know...

In any case, here you go:


My mind is going blank

I can't think of anything

I am now done


Is that not the epitome of pathetic lack of effort? Sometimes it's hard to believe I aced that class. I must have put forth effort at least occasionally. Homework was never my thing, but it's usually not most people's "thing"...

1 comment:

  1. Bro, that takes me back! What a wonderful insight to take us back to those times. You always have had the ability to say so much without saying anything, and being matter-of-fact about it! I can imagine reading that at Arcade and laughing myself to the ground!
