Friday, April 22, 2011

Port of Long Beach Series: Traffic Jam on the Sea

The Port of Long Beach is the largest and busiest on America's west coast. In the city I've found a few places that cater to sailors and seamen only, and turn away people without credentials.

In any case, I saw a traffic jam of sorts as ships seemed to be lining up to get access to be uunloaded. Here are a series of pictures:

There will be some overlap...

That last picture shows a cruise ship off in the distance on the left side. I saw that cruise ship, a Carnival Cruise liner, docked this morning when I went on my run (I'm trying to take advantage of having the ocean so close).

1 comment:

  1. I knew Long Beach had a port... never imagined a traffic jam in the ocean trying to get into it though.. all of the stuff coming from China....
    stuff we used to make here in this country... oh well.... at least the longshore men have jobs...
