Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sorry for the tease, but...

Yeah...we got back from our little carriage house in Cayucos (which has one of my all time favorite names for a beach town ever)(I don't know why this is) on Monday, and I've been wanting to post on a few things, some of which I even mentioned in that first September post. I've been too busy.

So this is just a tease, a tease with a picture, which I know shows up a certain way on mobile devices.

I met some people this past weekend who share my interest in Thomas Pynchon and Haruki Murakami, and to whom I also gave the URL for this site, and whom now I feel like I'm letting down (as I feel from time to time when I post sporadically).

I'll be too busy for a day or two, so, as always, thanks for bearing with me.

Here's the teaser picture, a painting on the alley side of SLO Brew.

I found The Jimi on a walk to check out Linnea's, an old tiny theater converted to a coffee house I used to haunt regularly.

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