Thursday, September 8, 2011

Three Cameras?

I was determined to use our Holga camera on the wedding trip to San Luis to take a picture (or two) of Morro Rock. I found a spot to try, and took a pair of pictures. Standing there, examining the scene, I pulled out my point-and-shoot digital camera and, waiting for the foreground to clear of people and the right zoom on, took this picture:

Then, as I started walking away I had a thought and a laugh. In addition to the Cannon and Holga, I had my Sanyo smartphone on me, giving me essentially three cameras.

What need does someone who's not a professional photographer have for three cameras on their person? Pros wouldn't have the combination I had anyway, but still, it made me laugh. And it forced me to take out my phone, take a picture, and upload it to Facebook, which is a pretty easy feat with these new-fangled phones.

Morro Rock is an easy thing to be in awe of, and a picturesque object, but the scale is always hard to reproduce in photos. The presence of the thing, it's local massiveness, is never truly conveyed. I've made it a character in my Cali Prone story, if you remember that post a while back.

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