Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 30 Fake Out

The fake out is on how good the link is. I guess that's up to you, my fine readers, on whether or not a post about an old PCL team's caps and a word about their history is really all that great.

That was one of the problems with the post-a-day experiment. I have a few posts coming up, one about the Salton Sea, another about Condors, that take more time than I have to put towards them as of right now, and don't fit the rush of trying to do one a day on a deadline. The tiny posts are sometimes classic pieces of writing, little golden nuggets, but those are in the minority.

The jump link for today is an old idea, the essence of which I've been toying with for months; the Open Status of the PCL. I had a huge retrospective on west coast baseball working, but I never could find the right angle, or more information...something was missing. So it comes to this, a blip on a filler post about caps from the Pacific Northwest.


  1. Strange, I recently spent hours reading up on the Salton Sea. It's fish inhabitants, (or on going lack thereof) were of great interest to me for some forgotten reason. Also, just read your post about getting your bike jacked. I'm sorry for your loss, but also glad, in that I haven't laughed out loud like that in a long time!!

  2. I'm glad there was some good energy created by the words; that was part of the plan--creating some good energy from a bad event. Alchemy of a sort...
