Monday, January 10, 2011

My Creative Process

Not every artists works in the same fashion. Just recently I wrote a story for a writing contest. I didn't win or place, and I was pretty sure that that could have been the case when I submitted it. I was excited to try and put something new together, and felt that with the limited time I had to put towards it, the final result would most likely be unpolished and/or a collection of bad cliches.

I had an interesting hook, sort of, but cliche won the day and the work was mostly hack. What can one really expect with probably a total less than three hours spent on something? I don't feel bad though, because sometimes you just need to jolt yourself, just do anything to get yourself in the mood for creative work. This blog takes far less creative attention.

Here is a picture of a tack board over our computer desk with small sheets of paper tacked onto it. Each sheet has a description of a scene that I was writing for the story.

A gentleman I've spoken with about writing asked what the difference between writers and regular people was. His answer: writers write.

1 comment:

  1. Keep writing... I do enjoy the creative juices that come across on this blog.
