Sunday, January 9, 2011

Too Old for this "Injury"

For the Decemberween gift-giving bonanza I procured a Nintendo Wii for Corrie, who'd wanted to try out the Wii Fit, a video game about yoga and exercise. While we haven't picked up a Fit set yet, the Wii has proven very entertaining. The one I got was the red colored special Mario 25th Anniversary edition version. It came with the "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" game, a basic remake of the original Super Mario Bros. game from, um, 25 years ago.

We've both been playing it somewhat, and after a while I've noticed that my left thumb has been a little sore. Feeling sheepish, I've exclaimed that "I'm too old for this kind of injury".

Like all straight Mario games that Nintendo has put out, it is a simple yet very challenging game.

We've also enjoyed the included Wii Sports game, a pleasant way to spend a dreary afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. When I injured my Thumb tendon after my tendon surgery, they put me in a brace that kept my thumb from moving.. a couple of folks thought it was odd that someone so "old" would have "gamers thumb"... but it did help even though 8 weeks of having it immobilized was not the best thing it's working now.. I've enjoyed the bowling game, I'm almost as good on it as I am with real bowling.
