Monday, January 17, 2011

Video Link Dump

This is technically a blog post, but this is more like a collection spot for me, and others who do already enjoy or will soon enjoy the following videos. I'm tired of looking some of these up to show people, so I thought I'd just conveniently put them all on one spot.

The first was sent to me, via my mom, from my Uncle Dan's mom, Ida. It's a nature video of animals with dialogue voiceovers that show what they're really thinking. Very funny. Check it out here.

The second is the fake Help Wanted ad for the Mets. Oh man, it's funny as hell. If you like baseball, or the Mets, or hate the Mets, you'll definitely like it.

The third and fourth aren't for everyone. These are parody hip-hop videos that are very clever. I'd suggest checking them out if you like clever rhyming schemes, creative characters, and overall hilarity. Here's the first and here's the second.

Lastly, here's Xiao Xiao 3, the baddest-ass stick figure fighting flash-video ever made.

1 comment:

  1. loved the Mets clip... from what they are looking for I could finally become a professional ball player... as they didn't specify gender.... and I certainly can run the bases slowly.... you were correct about the songs.... not for everyone but I did listen...
