Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22nd is my 11,000th Day

After checking out a copy of a book I got in Citrus Heights a few decades ago, you know, one of those "Your Birthday, ____ _" deals that has historical events and figures that happened/were born/were felled on your birthday or around the same week, and I noticed they had a chart for the number of seconds, hours, days, weeks, months for each year up to 100. The easiest to pinpoint--days--had a nice round number a month-and-a-half after one's 30th birthday.

May 22nd is my 11,000th day on planet Earth (I take the leap years as included, like the chart, which probably averages them out, but since I can't tell, I'm going with it).

I like how language and brainal perception can sometimes exist uneasily, like how the phrase "a few thousand days" seems less daunting than "a decade", when they can be defined as the exactly the same expanse.

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