Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weather Patterns

Corrie and I were hanging out on our stoop last night as it started to sprinkle. The overcast sky hadn't let loose all day, when, once darkness fell, so did some drops.

As we were outside, a car drove by, and almost as if it were unzipping the sky, the patter of droplets began to intensify, until visibility began to minimize with the torrential downpour.

I thought it was neat, standing guarded by our stoop's overhang, that we're able to watch and experience the different patches of precipitation as they drift over our low corner of Long Island...first some driplets, then some patter, then the air changes and you can feel the pressure drop and the breeze pickup, and a quiet roar coming from down the street as the thick patch of dark clouds move your direction...then in two minutes it's back to a patter, then barely a drizzle.

The weather patterns here in the City still dazzle a California boy like myself...growing up we had two seasons; rainy and hot; then in San Luis it was between 70 and 90 during the day for 300 days a year. The people out here think we're crazy for leaving that kind of "paradise", but I love the the variety and visible changes that I never got out West.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I prefer the lack of seasons... now in AZ i have two season HOT and less HOT and that is just fine with me... I have never felt the need for white cold stuff....

    But I will admit that several million people disagree with me and do enjoy the changes in seasons...

    I have enjoyed watching the monsoons come through the neighborhood in the summer... it is as you wrote.. the sky changes... wind starts as a slight breeze... then a gale... then the air changes, torrential rain, gale dies to a breeze, sky clears and you go on with your day.. ( I forgot to add you get thunder and lighting during that rain) it is impressive...

    I'm glad you are getting a chance to experience seasons and seasonal changes

