Monday, May 11, 2009

A Point of Clarification

My apologies to the few readers who check out this site...the LEED exam that Corrie passed is the current foundation of green-building measures. The knowledge necessary to pass the exam consists of a thorough understanding of arcane bits of information: use of daylight; the types of paints that give off the least amount of fumes; proper water conservation planning; using existing materials if they can be salvaged...that type of stuff.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, I think.

By passing the exam, Corrie is now has the authority to sign off on projects that desire to "go green"--the current buzzwords--to go along with the knowledge to design it so.

We both feel that in ten years the building codes for the entire country will most likely be the basics of the LEED certification, since most energy wasted in this country is used in buildings.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Patrick for the clarification of the LEED Cert... I agree that this will be the leading edge for the next decade....
