Monday, May 4, 2009

A Note for Dan

I read a post from my brother about the possibility of rekindling his interest in sports. I, being a sports fan, am excited by this possibility.

Sports in America are the mainstream outlet for male emotional release, but most fellows would think that's a lame way to phrase what they can't verbalize.

So, Dan, I do suggest the A's...they're moving to Fremont by 2010 (I think) and will probably be changing their name to either the Fremont A's or the Silicon Valley A's. Personally I think it ought to be the East Bay A's, but I don't get to make that decision. 

By the way, the name Athletics is the oldest team nickname in all of baseball. Originally the team nicknames were not official, and the Reds were known as the Red Stockings for many years and the Red Sox were known as Beaneaters, Poindexters, Doves, and a whole assortment of either sanctifying or derisive other names, pretty much based on how they fared the year before. The Athletics as a name was derived in 1862 (I think) for the non-professional "athletic gentlemen" who played organized ball in Philly, and the name hasn't ever changed, not when they started getting money for playing, not when the moved to KC, and not when they moved to Oakland.

Also, randomly and weird, the Sacramento Kings, in the NBA, is one of the original NBA franchises, having started as the Rochester Royals in the pre-WWII NBL, then moved to Cincinati, then to KC (and had their name changed to Kings, since their was already a Royals in town), and they split the KC time between KC and Omaha. Then, as we remember, they arrived in Sac around the same time we did.

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