Thursday, February 24, 2011

Excavated Arena

I know that this is a retention pond, well, an empty retention pond, designed to sap water away from our apartment complex and house it here until it absorbs back into the aquifer or evaporates, keeping the complex from flooding.

But one day when I was walking by I hopped the fence and took some pictures. I started to concoct false hypotheses about native games, native spectator sports, acting like an anthropologist or archaeologist.

So here is the chieftain's view of the game, the proverbial best seat in the house. Blocked by a fence in today's world, one can see what the leaderman saw, the whole arena sprawling out before their eyes.

Here a shot from a spot seen in the first look about halfway down on the right-hand side. Here you can see the opposite end that isn't blocked by trees, known as the Champion's Altar, and we also get a look from the player's entrance.

Here is a look at the player's entrance itself.

From the opposite corner, we can get a long view of the player's entrance, the chieftain's perch, and another valuable scaling shot.

Here's a look at the Champion's Altar from a corner, and a straight on look in the next shot. That was the place where the Champion would address the other players, spectators, and, most importantly, the chieftain. The acoustics would allow the Champion to be heard by the chieftain only if they were loud enough; being able to be heard is an important quality.

All in all, this site has some strangely vaginal views...

1 comment:

  1. I'd say you have too much time on your hands but I know that to be a false statement... however if you did uncover this site not knowing anything else about it... you could make these reasonable assumptions.
