Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Winter in Thailand" Series

These pictures were taken on the Laguna Gloria grounds, a villa and museum space on the Lake Austin section of the Colorado River. From Laguna Gloria one could see Mount Bonnel.

The proximity to the river and general humidity year round make this wooded/forrested area what it is, and what it is, because of similar conditions (it never gets cold over there, though), is very similar to the jungles of South-East Asia.

That's prompted me to call this collection "Winter in Thailand".

The palmettos stand in nicely for the tropical palms they have overseas, and I love the ivy climbing the tree.

1 comment:

  1. does the ivy harm the trees? does it get too warm in the middle of August? Shade does not look to be a problem so you could get some relief from the sun... perhaps not so much from the humidity... thanks for sharing..
