Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Local PSA

In any town or city, there will be Public Service Announcements funded with municipal money whenever it might be needed, whenever word needs to reach the masses about a particular event or epidemic.

In Austin, perhaps because of the university in town with more than fifty-thousand undergrads, recent PSAs that we hear on the radio at my morning job are all concerned with the return of the Ben Franklin special: syphilis.

Yes, the year isn't 1783 and we're not in Mozambique, and syphilis is running rampant throughout Austin's young adults, rampant enough to warrant a barrage of radio and print ads discussing the symptoms and pleading with folks to get themselves checked out and, as always, to wear a latex cap for those "casual encounters".

Syphilis. On the radio. In the free weekly paper.

Way to go youngsters.

1 comment:

  1. Well if Human Reproduction and the hazards and joys were allowed to be taught in school then I bet this wouldn't be necessary... but as you can see abstinence teachings work real well... I like the people who complain here in AZ about feminine hygiene product adds during the "prime time" but don't seem to mind the "E-D" adds... ah... enjoy the PSA's
