Monday, November 14, 2011

By the Cover

One incident that happened a few times while we were visiting Seattle, and occasionally here in Long Beach (far less often, though) was a random person asking me for a cigarette.

It happened more often in Seattle than here I imagine because of the prevalence of smokers and smoking up there, which hasn't been hit with the dual waves of image-consciousness and health-consciousness. Smoking seems to embarrass people here, while militant anti-smokers actively shame those who partake. It is dangerous and disgusting, which are some of the reasons I quit.

There were many smokers in New York, so it didn't seem so uncouth while we lived there. In Texas, smoking was something you chose to do, or not to, but that was the point. Texans just let each other do whatever without comment, or public comment at least.

We quit while we lived there, not for angry onlookers, but for ourselves, as has to be the point for successful quit.

In Seattle, I talked with Corrie and we agreed that I have the appearance of a smoker. Something about the way I walk or dress, or smile, or something. "I am wearing a whiskey hat," I remembered out loud on one of our mornings when we covered the topic, referring to my green knit beanie with the logo of the familial name of John Jameson and Son Irish Whiskey, a brand I'm fond of. "On a Monday morning," Corrie laughed, responding to my statement, which was factually accurate.

I was wearing a cap with the insignia of a brand of whiskey at 7:30 in the morning on a Monday. Wearing a booze hat probably adds to whatever instant judgments people make about me that lead them to assume I smoke tobacco.

But the bigger issue for me was that I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable wearing the Jameson hat. I felt out of place; specifically I felt too old. I may like to celebrate Irish whiskey, I may enjoy Irish whiskey from time to time, but I'm not sure I want to advertise it anymore.

There are a few things I don't mind advertising, brands or concepts if you will, that add to the instant judgments that people make. Glasses, which I don't currently need thanks to Lasik, but will eventually return to, are something I don't mind advertising. The Yankees, the Giants, Packers, Uruguay national team, Pumas, Chivas...most sports teams I hold dear I don't mind rocking. I have Cal Poly and LBSU gear as it is, and wear both. Political beliefs I'm not afraid of wearing on my sleeve, or chest, as it were. Hell, if there was a Strong Bad hat that was absurd enough I would consider it.

For some reason I feel I need to move on from the vice ad. Maybe I am just getting older.

I'm not getting any less lazy, though, and since I don't have any other hat, I'll continue wearing it. It doesn't seem to be cold enough around here, almost making the point moot.

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