Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fremont: Gasworks and Street Berries

Gasworks Park is a park on a peninsula facing downtown Seattle within walking distance of Fremont. We walked over to the park after leaving the Troll. The trees were very cool, and full of colors that we haven't seen since leaving the east coast:

An abandoned oil refinery, the land around the Works has been allowed to grass over, and while the industrial machinery out in the open is blocked off, the park is still a destination:

Here's a view of the skyline from the peninsula:

If anyone's seen Twin Peaks, they might remember how much pie is loved in the show, becoming a recurring theme throughout the series' run. That show took place up here, the Pacific Northwest, and while I didn't really notice a pie craze, I did notice the vast abundance of wild blackberries and bramble berries growing almost everywhere. The thicket of vegetation at the base of the Gasworks in the above picture? Blackberry.

At one point we noticed berries right on the side of the road. If you know me or have read a post that specifically talks about this topic, you can guess how I proceeded:

One more random sculpture picture. There was a collection of life sized people standing at a street corner, looking mostly like another funky group of public artifacts for the masses of Fremont, until you notice the dog:

How bizarre and...Seatts, I guess.

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