Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chicago: Last Day; Beach and Gold Coast

Before our flight heading back to New York, Corrie and Joey and I went out to the Gold Coast section of Chicago, along the north coast of the city, where they lived during the summer of 2003. Corrie worked at the beach as a volleyball ref, but was in charge of putting up and taking down the nets. 

The Gold Coast is upscale, definitely, and has tight streets lined with row houses, but here the row houses have lots more character than they do in New York. Here's a shot of one of the streets.

The beach here had water that vaguely smelled, but not of the rotten fish and damp salt smell you get in California, or the diesel sludge smell you get at Coney Island...it was a mix of minerals and garbage. Not strong, really, more of a hint. If I had been working out, or playing volleyball, I would've run and jumped into the lake, but probably would have refrained from really swimming in it.

The views from here are pretty cool as well, with the Hancock Tower visible here, as well as on the Illinois state quarter.

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