Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pelham 123 Correction

I made a mistake, the same mistake it seems like plenty of people I've spoken with have made, and I'm man enough to admit it and clarify the information.

The trashy flick out right now, Taking the Pelham 123, starring hero-in-my-hood Denzel and Scientologist Travolta, derives it name from the official-time that the particular train in the title leaves Pelham Bay Park, 1:23 pm. That train is, of course, the 6 train, like I said in my post deriding the whole thing.

The information correcting my mistake came in the form of an article, clarifying the reasoning behind the name, and basically calling the entire premise a little outlandish, insofar as highjacking an entire subway train. The article says that 1) the trains are so overcrowded today that four people wouldn't be enough; and 2) the controls for the train, in the front car, are virtually inaccessible, and those drivers have been trained to not open the doors for anybody or anything.

But this is Hollywood, not reality. Artistic liberties are necessary, of course.

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