Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Marathon City, Wisconsin

I drove from Madison to Marathon City, population 1640, and geographically north of Green Bay, albeit a few hundred miles west of Lake Michigan. The day was beautiful, the land was beautiful. My dad had mentioned that we'd probably find the land pretty out here--same thing Norm said--and it was definitely true. 

But I've realized something since driving out to New York...the land in this country is pretty in almost all places. Driving through eye-sore cities happens, of course, but let's not forget the PCH, the Taconic and the Sawmill Parkways here in NY, 101 south to Santa Barbara, rural Vermont, almost all rural drives I've been on are pretty as hell. I also realized that I-5, in California, from Stockton to the Grapevine, is probably the worst, ugliest stretch of basically rural driving in the country. At least I-15 to Vegas has some pretty desert to look at.

Our entire trip to the Midwest was predicated on seeing Keren and Andy for their Wisconsin party for their wedding. They were invited to our wedding, but because of their own wedding planning, vacation issues, and assortment of other things, they couldn't attend. Our anniversary was going to be this weekend, and we hadn't seen Joey for some time, and so we decided to head to the Midwest.

Marathon City is a quaint hamlet, larger than 1,640 people sound, and the reception was at the town's Veterans Park. They had about two-hundred people coming through during the five or six hours they were hosting. Most of the people there had come from either Madison or down the street, with a few coming from Michigan, California, Boston, and us weirdos.

Visible across from the park, I had to take this picture. Lots of cows, lots of dairy, and hey, lots of cheese in this neck of the country.

Corrie and I visited with Keren's family, Andy's family, and friends from all over. These people are very nice, outgoing, personable, respectful, and fun. Their accents were cute compared to the grating New Yohk thing happening around us normally. 

The air was hot and thick with moisture, and the mosquitoes were buzzing in many size variations. In the last picture here, all three of us are glistening (sweating), and my 'fro is curly as hell.

Thank you guys, Keren and Andy, thanks for having us out and letting us eat the chicken and ribs and drink the Pabst. I had a great time, and can't wait for you two to visit the City. Sorry Andy, I don't know why I don't have any pictures of you.

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