Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Weather Stuff

I try not to repeat myself on these posts, but...

I remember a comedian I was watching on television when I was a kid, a comedian who was from back east and having traveled to California, named the four seasons in California as "hot, earthquake, mudlside, and wildfire," and I remember laughing.

As a kid following baseball in Sacramento I was always baffled by how baseball games on the east coast would be rained-out. Rained out? In the middle of the summer? Rain? In Sac, the rains ended around April and didn't pick up again until October, so I couldn't fathom it.

After living out here for the past three years, now I can't understand how more games aren't rained-out. It probably rains at least once a week during the summer. Some days, at eight am, the sky is overcast, and within an hour it'll be pouring. A half-hour later it'll stop, and twenty minutes after that, it'll be bright and blue. By noon or one pm the clouds'll come back, and the whole cycle starts over. If one of these summer days isn't like that, it'll be hot as balls and sticky, with a humidity that makes it feel like you're wading through the air, that makes it impossible to dry off after a shower.

Right now it's raining. Later on, it might be sunny. In the City, even the weather does whatever the hell it feels like.

1 comment:

  1. So the weather acts with impunity there, along with everything and everyone else?

    Hi, Pat! The visit was great. Thanks to you and Corrie for everything.

