Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hungry Marching Band

In the world of weird New York things, on an evening Corrie and I spent learning about and getting into the phenomena of Roller Derby, a half-time act opened our eyes.

The particular venue for the Roller Derby matches we were going to that season was City College of New York, way uptown, around 145th Street, on the west side. The CCNY campus is beautiful, looks modeled after campuses in Oxford and Cambridge, and had been free up until the mid-90s.

The half-time act of which I speak was a band, but not just any band; it was a marching band, but not just any marching band--it was a psychedelic conglomeration of heads and horns calling themselves the Hungry Marching Band.

They played mostly short original work, that was a cross between Sousa and the sixties, and for the most part, rocked pretty well. Corrie and I picked up their latest album, surreally titled "Portable Soundtracks for Temporary Utopias." Alas, the album didn't quite have the energy of seeing them perform in a crowded overtaken college auditorium, but it was still unique.

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