Friday, March 25, 2011

"Alternative" Food

I'm not talking about hippie foods in cities like Austin and Boulder, local and organic food grown close by by people who want to eat foods not covered in pesticides or grown with Monsanto genetically modified seeds.

North Korea, after experiencing a drastic drop-off in agricultural and economic production, lost between 900,000 and 3.5 million of her citizens to famine--starvation--in the 90s.

There is the claim that famine is not sweeping through the secretive country in current times. A humanitarian crew has returned from North Korea with claims that while hundreds of thousands of people may not be starving to death every month, most regular people spend the majority of their waking hours concerning themselves with acquiring food.

When food sources run short, people begin to consume alternate food. In this context, "alternate" food means that they go into the hills, grab leaves and grasses to mince small and boil, collect bark to scrape the reverse side and make porridge, and mix these things with their meager ration of rice.

Children's stomachs can't process theses foods.

What kind of solution is there for this human catastrophe? How does it appear in the face of the nuclear crisis in Japan?

The Obama Administration is currently in talks with the humanitarian group that has given the world the most recent reports, but this also highlights how hard and shitty being the President of the US can be.

North Korea isn't sexy, like fighting for people's freedoms while working multilaterally, like Libya, or dealing with Japan's nuclear crisis.

It isn't even as sexy as cleaning up the Gulf, which remains an ongoing and quiet enterprise.

1 comment:

  1. Yet we spend millions to grow corn for fuel even though it is not a fuel effective choice.....oh well
