Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Recent Louisiana Trip

I'll be posting soon about a trip to Louisiana, complete with pictures. Corrie and I went to visit our friend Tony, who lives in Sulphur, about twenty miles inside the western state line. We also wanted to take Corrie to New Orleans, since she'd never been, and while we didn't get to see the antebellum side of the Big Easy, we did get to the Lower Ninth Ward and the French Quarter. Corrie had wanted to see the Make It Right Foundation's new houses, an organization with faceman Brad Pitt that wanted to rebuild in the Katrina-razed neighborhood with sustainable structures.

We also visited Avery Island, which is home to the Tabasco Sauce plant, which we did not visit, but also home to a cool nature preserve, a preserve that fulfilled all of our imagination' desires that last year's trip to the Blue Goose walking trail left unsatisfied.

But, with those two things, we pretty much filled up an entire weekend worth of time, because driving hasn't been included. We spent more time in the car that awake and outside of it. We left at midnight Friday, and arrived slightly before five; it took us three and a half hours to get to New Orleans (traffic accounted for some of that extra time) and three hours and back; on Sunday it took just over two hours to get to Avery Island, and two back to Tony's, then almost five to get home...5 + 3.5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 20.5...it was still worth it.

Both New Orleans and Avery Island were worth it, but being able to hang out with Tony made it truly bearable. I'll be getting to these posts soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. Having just spent time on a bus driving to and around Southern California... time spent with friends on a road trip can be almost as much fun as the road trip itself.... looking forward to the pictures
