Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Avery Island: Nature and a Buddha

After buying an entrance ticket to the Avery Island grounds, one of the first views one gets is of the beautiful hanging moss. Southern hanging moss is a romantic symbol of southern nature. This is one of Corrie's pictures from right around the first bend in the road.

This next picture is the McKinley Tree. President McKinley was a good friend of the Averys, visited the island often, and they named this tree after him. I'm in the picture for scale, and if you look close, I'm dealing with a bug that's just flown into my eye.

A gift to an Avery was a 900 year old statue of the Buddha, sculpted in China. A raised temple was built for him. The temple has since been encased in glass.

Here's the actual Buddha statue.

I asked Tony to stand next to one of the many tremendous bamboo bundles that were growing in various places around the island. If he looks distracted it's because a fly flew into my mouth and a wasp flew into my sweaty hair at exactly the same moment I was pressing the capture button on the camera. I was flinching and ducking and hollering at the insects and Tony thought something else was happening off to the side.

This is a picture of a walkway on the grounds. Its one of my favorites that Corrie took.


  1. More great pictures...WOW about that bamboo bundle or what ever... and the McKinley tree is it an oak? What type of tree is it, besides large?

    Such a neat place to visit.

  2. The McKinley tree is a live oak, good call. It was a beautiful place to visit...the bugs were very annoying, and eventually hasten our departure...bugs near a perpetual swamp, who'dve guessed?
