Saturday, June 18, 2011

Iconic Concepts of Avalon

There are a few things that are iconic to Avalon on Catalina Island...

Wrigley's Casino:

This giant takes up the main portion of the western city's view (they even demolished two Morro Rock type rock formations to build it):

This mural is another of one of Avalon's sacred images; she lives at the entrance to the Casino (now a museum with guided tours):

And now for something that isn't associated with Wrigley or the casino, the flying fish:

Avalon, and Catalina as a whole, like Barbados (apparently), has adopted the flying fish as it's official animal representative. There are night tours you can take where you ride around in a fast boat with a powerful light and chase flying fish swarms. I was looking up information on them and was amazed to learn that: 1) they fly on average for almost forty meters outside the water; 2) one was recorded as flying as far as 400 meters; 3) they go fast (almost 40 knots!) and rather high (averaging six feet out of the water).


1 comment:

  1. Wow flying fish .... I do like the mobile look it is so much easier to read...
